514 South 38th Ave
Omaha, NE 68105
Omaha Supportive
A Specialized Assisted Living Facility ​
Phone (402) 346-6585
Fax (402) 345-1539
Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Who is Living at Omaha Supportive Living?
Residents are composed of mentally ill adults who have a diagnosis of schizophrenia and/or bipolar manic-depressive disorder and in some cases, other diagnosis. They are in need of a mild to moderate level of supervision, medication management and training in the activities of daily living.
What are the Residents of OSL Like?
People with mental illness have the same needs as everyone else. They need a place to meet their daily living needs, they need socialization, goal setting and support from those in their environment.
What Does it Mean to be Mentally Ill?
People with mental illness have difficulty coping with the pressures of daily living. They may have difficulty in maintaining personal hygiene, remembering to take their medication, keeping appointments, getting and keeping a job, managing money, socializing, etc.
What Does OSL Look Like?
OSL owns and staffs three large brick homes located in a historic neighborhood next to UNMC campus. The homes are within walking access to many shops and bus stops. Presently, OSL is able to occupy 45 residents, which include both men and women.
What are the Resident’s Responsibilities?
· Take medications as prescribed by Doctor and given by qualified certified staff
· Attend an Adult Day program, school, vocational rehabilitation and/or work
· Abide by OSL rules
· Maintain personal hygiene
· Maintain personal living space
· Keep personal linen and clothing clean
· Share in weekly House cleaning
· Participate in some leisure activities sponsored by the OSL
Who Pays for Omaha Supportive Living?
Each resident pays fees for room and board. These funds come from private or from Social Security/Disability funds, and/or other government sources such as AABD grants, general assistance, etc.
Can you give me a brief summary of the admission process?​
Our staff will complete an admission assessment for all potential residents when an opening is available. The completed assessment and a completed application are required to be admitted or to place a name on the waiting list. If you are placed on the waiting list, when a vacancy becomes available, we will start the admission process. This can take place rather quickly when needed. Our staff will assist you with your questions and needs during the process.